vendredi 22 juin 2012


Free Hosting

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Central and South Asia Taliban siege of Kabul hotel ends Afghan police say 18 people killed during 13-hour assault on hotel in Qargha Lake on the outskirts of the capital.

Central and South Asia

Taliban siege of Kabul hotel ends

Afghan police say 18 people killed during 13-hour assault on hotel in Qargha Lake on the outskirts of the capital.

Heavily armed Taliban fighters have killed 18 people - most of them civilians - in a 13-hour assault on a lakeside hotel just north of Kabul, Afghan officials have said.
The fighters first killed the security guards outside the Spozhmai hotel on Lake Qargha on Friday, then stormed inside and began firing at guests who were dining. Some of the guests escaped while others were held hostage as the attackers battled, officials said.
Sediq Sediqqi, an Afghan interior ministry spokesman, said all five attackers had been killed by midday on Friday, ending the standoff.
Fourteen Afghan civilians, three security guards and an Afghan police officer died in the attack, said Mohammad Zahir, criminal director for Kabul police.
"We believe that 18 people have been killed, among them three security guards and a policeman," said Al Jazeera's Jennifer Glasse, reporting from the scene.
"There is evidence of the very, very long siege, the 13 hour siege that went on here, all over the grounds. There are spent shells everywhere. We heard explosions and sustained gunfire for hours," she said.
Some of the dead fighters were wearing suicide vests, but none of them detonated before being killed, officials told Al Jazeera.
The attackers had earlier taken hostages, including women and children. Afghan police backed by NATO troops freed at least 35 of them during their operation to end the siege, officials said.
Taliban responsible
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, earlier saying it had killed up to 15 people.
But the group claimed no civilians were killed and all the casualties were individuals connected to the government.
The Taliban said they had "separated out any innocent civilians and put them in a safe room," our correspondent reported.
The Taliban assault began around 11:30pm (1900 GMT) on Thursday, said Zahir.
"Insurgents armed with RPG rockets, and heavy and light weapons" attacked the Spozhmai Hotel, he said earlier on Friday.
The gunmen, some armed with rocket propelled grenades and heavy machine guns, attacked the hotel during the night, triggering a gunbattle in the darkness, police said.
Afghan security forces launched their operation to end the siege at around 5:30am (01:00GMT) on Friday, though fighting went on for several hours until around midday.
'Wild parties'
"The area under attack is about 45 minutes outside Kabul in a lake area where many Afghan families come to spend the weekend," our correspondent said earlier.
"This is a very bold attack coming, as it has, during the weekend.
"As with many of the [recent] attacks, it isn't what damage they can do, but what they can do to undermine the sense of security around Kabul."
While claiming responsibility for the attack, the Taliban said wealthy Afghans and foreigners used the hotel to have "wild parties" in the lead up to the Friday religious day holiday.
"Our mujahideen [holy warriors] last night attacked this hotel because high-profile people from embassies, ISAF and the Kabul administration gather here every Thursday for wild parties, drinking and prostitution," Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban, told AFP news agency.
"The Taliban has claimed responsibility saying that they attacked this hotel because it was frequented by foreigners and the un-Islamic practices that go on here. The government spokesman said that is nonsense and that this is a place where Afghan families come to," our correspondent said.
The hotel assault will heighten fears about security as NATO prepares to hand responsibility to Afghan forces and recall the vast majority of its 130,000 combat troops.

Al Jazeera and agencies

Europe Breivik's trial ends with verdict date set Ending exactly 11 months after he massacred 77 people in Norway, killer demands acquittal.


Breivik's trial ends with verdict date set

Ending exactly 11 months after he massacred 77 people in Norway, killer demands acquittal.
The last day of the trial of Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in Norway last July, has ended with his defence, as expected, calling for his acquittal.
Even though there is no chance Breivik will be set free, his main lawyer, Geir Lippestad  formally made the request since Breivik pleaded not guilty, despite having confessed to carrying out the murderous twin attacks on July 22.
Breivik has evoked the "principle of necessity", claiming his attacks were "cruel but necessary" to protect Norway against a "Muslim invasion".
As Breivik prepared to begin his last statement, a number of people walked out of the courtroom.

"We have no need to hear more about what he has to say," Trond Henry Blattman, leader of a victim's support group, told reporters.

"We have heard him many times, we don't hear anything new ... we want to show that we don't care about what he has to say, who he is, what he has done."
Breivik used the 45 minutes accorded him to make final remarks on Friday to claim that his attacks were necessary in defence of "my ethnic group" against multiculturalism, and demanded his acquittal.
Shortly before the trial day began, another defence lawyer, Vibeke Hein Baera, told AFP news agency of the request for acquittal that Breivik "knows that this is just a formality that is far from any plausibility".
With no illusion of getting his client off, Lippestad used most of his closing argument to prove that the 33-year-old right-wing extremist is criminally sane, and should be sent to prison, not a closed psychiatric ward as requested by the prosecution.
The day of the massacre, Breivik first set off a car bomb outside government buildings in Oslo, killing eight people, before travelling to Utoeya island, northwest of the capital. There, he spent more than an hour methodically shooting and killing another 69 people, mostly teenagers.
The victims, the youngest of whom had just celebrated her 14th birthday, had been attending a summer camp hosted by the governing Labour Party's youth organisation.

Al Jazeera and agencies

Europe: Turkey drops anti-abortion legislation


Turkey drops anti-abortion legislation

Government withdraws controversial plan to slash time limit for abortions after mounting pressure from civil society.

Thousands have staged demonstrations throughout the country in protest against the planned measures [Reuters]
Turkey's conservative government has dropped plans for a controversial bill that would have slashed the time limit for abortions.
"The government has backed away from initial plans to curb abortion rights," an unnamed parliamentary source told the AFP news agency on Friday.

The source said that the Islamist-rooted government would instead seek to limit the number of Caesarean sections being performed in the country.
The legislation, initially proposed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), would have required all abortions to take place within the first six weeks of pregnancy, down from the 10 weeks currently allowed.
Experts said the limit would have effectively outlawed abortions, since most women do not realise they are pregnant until around the sixth week of pregnancy.

Opposition to the plan
Thousands of women and activists have staged demonstrations throughout the country in protest of the planned measures, while Turkish media published surveys that indicated curbing abortion rights would cause the AKP to lose votes, even among its female supporters.
Nurettin Canikli, an influential AKP lawmaker, also said the ruling party would not introduce a bill to curb abortion rights.
"The abortion issue is off the agenda. No legislation will be introduced to the parliament on this issue," he told the Turkish daily Hurriyet.
Recep Akdag, Turkey's health minister, told reporters that his ministry would on Monday submit a report to the cabinet regarding abortion rights. he did not elaborate further.
"The matter is not to ban or not to ban abortion. The matter is to let a new understanding prevail in Turkey compatible with certain principles and enact new regulations," said Akdag.
"Abortion should never be a family planning method, or a method to prevent an un-intended pregnancy," he said.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had sparked outrage last month when he likened abortion to murder. He reportedly said that every abortion "was an Uludere," referring to a botched attack on Kurds from Uludere village by Turkish warplanes in December that claimed 34 lives.
Erdogan has frequently called for women to have at least three children, and his party intended to criminalise adultery in 2004 but backed off under pressure from the European Union.
Secular Turkey legalised abortion for medical reasons in 1965, broadening the right in 1983 to all women in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Government officials also chided the high number of Caesarian births in Turkey, where they now represent half of all deliveries.
The health minister had earlier said doctors were warned against performing unnecessary C-sections amid worries that some were forcing women to undergo unnecessary surgeries in order to make more money.


Assange's Ecuador asylum bid may not succeed


Assange's Ecuador asylum bid may not succeed

WikiLeaks founder has acknowledged that he does not know if his unusual plea for political asylum will be approved.

Media gather outside the Ecuadorean embassyin London where Assange has sought political asylum [EPA]
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has acknowledged that he does not know whether Ecuador will approve his unusual plea for political asylum, as he spent a third night inside the country's London embassy.
Assange told Australian Broadcasting Corp. radio in an interview on Thursday that he had mounted his bizarre request for political asylum in Ecuador because his native Australia had made an "effective declaration of abandonment" by refusing to intervene in his planned extradition from Britain to Sweden.
"We had heard that the Ecuadoreans were sympathetic in relation to my struggles and the struggles of the organisation with the United States," Assange told ABC, explaining his actions in his first public comment since launching his asylum bid.

However, Assange acknowledged there was no guarantee that his plea would be successful, and indicated he did not know when a decision on his case would be made.
Ecuador President Rafael Correa told reporters in Quito on Thursday night that careful deliberations and consultations with other nations were involved.
"We are going to have to discuss with and seek the opinions of other countries. We don't wish to offend anyone, least of all a country we hold in such deep regard as the United Kingdom," Correa said after arriving from a climate summit in Brazil. "Once a decision is made we can talk about safe passage and such things," he said.
British authorities say they are poised to pounce the moment Assange steps out of Ecuador's London embassy.
He would be arrested, they say, for breaching the terms of his bail, which include an overnight curfew at a registered address.
Swedish prosecutors want to question Assange about allegations of sexual assault made by two women, which he denies.
Assange's fears
Assange fears that if sent to Sweden he would be extradited onwards to the US where he believes he could face criminal charges punishable by death.

His website, WikiLeaks, angered the US administration in 2010 by publishing secret US diplomatic cables.
"I genuinely believe, and I know him well, that he fears for his life," said Vaughan Smith, founder of a now defunct TV news agency, who hosted Assange at his country mansion for 13 months after Assange was freed on bail in December 2010.
"He fears that if he goes to Sweden he'll be sent to America and you only have to look at the treatment of Bradley Manning by the Americans to fell that he's right to be fearful," Smith told the BBC.
Manning, the US intelligence analyst accused of leaking hundreds of thousands of government files to Wikileaks, faces a court-martial in September at which he could be jailed for life.
Ecuador had briefly offered Assange residency at the height of the WikiLeaks furore in November 2010 before backing off.
Ecuador connection
It was not clear whether Assange's decision to appeal to Ecuador was connected to a recent interview he conducted with Rafael Correa, the South American country's leftist president, on Russia Today, a Kremlin-sponsored English-language TV channel.
"Cheer up. Welcome to the club of the persecuted," Correa told Assange at the end of the interview, which was conducted by video-link between Britain and Ecuador and posted on YouTube by Russia Today TV channel on May 22.
The two men appeared to hit it off during the 25-minute interview, exchanging flattering comments and laughing at each other's jokes.
Assange expressed sympathy with Correa's battle against his country's media - viewed by Human Rights Watch as a serious threat to free speech - and praised him for getting more done for his country than President Barack Obama was achieving for the US.
In London, a crowd of television crews and reporters were stationed in front of the Ecuadorian embassy but there was no sighting of Assange, whose distinctive white-blond hair has helped make him instantly recognisable around the world.
Neither US nor Swedish authorities have charged Assange with anything.
The former computer hacker, whose unpredictable behaviour and love of the limelight has cost him the support of many former friends and colleagues, lost a long-running legal battle last week to avoid extradition from Britain to Sweden.
Having exhausted all possible avenues offered by the British courts, Assange's only option to keep fighting would have been an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

Al Jazeera and agencies


US receives bids to drill in Gulf of Mexico

US receives bids to drill in Gulf of MexicoGovernment receives $1.7bn in winning bids to drill in new areas of Gulf of Mexico, scene of BP's 2010 oil disaster.
The US government has offered up new areas of the central Gulf of Mexico for drilling for the first time since the 2010 BP oil disaster in the area and received $1.7bn in winning bids, officials have said.
Environmental groups tried to block the long-awaited sale by filing a lawsuit earlier this week, arguing that it will endanger the already damaged ecosystem.
"The government is gambling with the Gulf by encouraging even more offshore drilling in the same exceedingly deep waters that have already proven to be treacherous, rather than investing in safer clean energy that creates jobs without risking lives and livelihoods," said Jacqueline Savitz, vice president for North America at Oceana, one of five groups filing the suit.
"This move sets us up for another disastrous oil spill, threatening more human lives, livelihoods, industries and marine life, including endangered species, in the greedy rush to expand offshore drilling."
Despite the fact that evidence of ongoing destruction from BP's 2010 disaster continues to surface, the Obama administration said it had conducted a "rigorous analysis" of the impact of the spill prior to opening up new areas to leasing as part of a plan to expand "safe and responsible" domestic production.
"This sale, part of the president’s all-of-the-above energy strategy, is good news for American jobs, good news for the Gulf economy, and will bring additional domestic resources to market," Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said in a statement.
Even deeper
Officials estimate that energy companies will be able to recover between 800 million and 1.6 billion barrels of oil if the tracts are fully developed.
The Interior Department had offered more than 39 million acres of new tracts ranging from three to more than 370 kilometres off the coasts of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi in depths ranging from three to more than 3,400 metres, the latter being more than twice the depth of the Macondo well which was the site of BP's 2010 disaster.
The sale comes six months after the government opened up 21 million acres, an area about the size of South Carolina, in the western Gulf of Mexico and received $337m in winning bids for over a million acres off the coast of Texas.
The April 20, 2010 explosion on the BP-leased Deepwater Horizon drilling rig killed 11 workers, blackened beaches in five states and devastated the Gulf Coast's tourism and fishing industries.
It took 87 days to cap BP's runaway well, 1,500 meters below the surface, that spewed about 4.9 million barrels of oil into the gulf.
Seafood deformities, human sickness, and deep sea oil plumes from the disaster continue to afflict the region.
Al Jazeera and agencies

Obama and Putin urge end to Syria violence

Obama and Putin urge end to Syria violenceUS and Russian leaders agree on goal of international intervention but propose no new tactics for stopping bloodshed.
US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin have called for an "immediate" end to the Syria conflict, as 94 deaths were reported in a worsening artillery pounding of cities.
The call on Monday by the rival powers was made as Russia reportedly prepared to send two warships with marines to its naval base in Syria, where UN monitors have suspended their patrols because of escalating violence.
"In order to stop the bloodshed in Syria, we call for an immediate cessation of all violence," the two leaders said in a statement after meeting on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in Los Cabos, Mexico.
"We are united in the belief that the Syrian people should have the opportunity to independently and democratically choose their own future," the two leaders said.
Putin told reporters that he and Obama had found "many common points" on the 15-month-old uprising against President Bashar al-Assad.
Obama said he and Putin agreed on the need for a "political process" to halt the conflict and had pledged to work with UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan on the crisis.
But there was little sign they had agreed a way to end the conflict which monitors say has now cost more than 14,400 lives.
The US has voiced frustration at Russia's blocking of UN Security Council moves against Assad.
Meanwhile, the head of the UN mission in Syria is to brief the Security Council on Tuesday about the deteriorating conflict.
Warships en route
The US, Britain and France are working on a new UN Council resolution in which they want to threaten sanctions against Assad. But Russia, Syria's main international ally, and China have already blocked two resolutions which just hinted at measures.
Russia is preparing to send two amphibious assault ships and marines to the Syrian port of Tartus where Russia has a naval base to ensure the safety of its own nationals, Moscow news reports said.
The amphibious warships, The Nikolai Filchenkov and The Tsezar Kunikov, are to be sent to Tartus with a "large" group of marines, Interfax news agency quoted an officer at Russian naval headquarters as saying.
There was no official confirmation of the report by Russian authorities, however.
The Tsezar Kunikov can carry 150 troops and armaments including tanks, while The Nikolai Filchenkov can carry up to 1,500 tonnes of cargo and equipment, the report said.
Violence continues
Syrian government forces, meanwhile, pounded rebel strongholds in the central city of Homs and Damascus.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 94 people were killed across the country on Monday, including 63 civilians, three army deserters and 28 government troops.
Government troops stepped up a siege of Tasas in the southern province of Deraa, cradle of the anti-regime revolt, said the rebel Free Syrian Army.
The army broke into the south of Tasas and launched raids, said FSA spokesman Louay Rashdan.
One blast at Mohassan in the eastern province of Deir Ezzour killed seven people, including two rebel commanders, the Syrian Observatory said.
Clashes and shelling persisted in several areas of Damascus province, including the towns of Douma and Qudsaya which have been under bombardment for the past five days.
UN rights chief Navi Pillay has demanded a halt to the government bombardment of populated areas. "Such actions amount to crimes against humanity and possible war crimes," Pillay told the UN Human Rights Council.